Saturday, January 26, 2013

Koh Jum

I'm sitting in our bungalow's restaurant (which we paid 14 dollars each for), the table is on a platform immediately next to the beach. To my left is about 15 meters of perfect sand, then the warmest water I've ever been in meets it. Breaking the sharp horizon created by the sea and sky are several majestic islands in the distance. Their sheer cliff walls and location mean they have yet to be tamed, but they are beautiful. The weather isn't so bad either. It's a perfect 78 degrees, with a gentle sea breeze that creates a perfect soundtrack: rustling of palm trees, and gentle waves crashing on the shore. Listen more tentatively, and you can hear exotic birds chirping, the rustle of a distant fishing boat, and if you listen closely, from time to time, you just might hear a group of monkeys mucking about. Soon I'll be served a delicious breakfast; it might set me back about 3 dollars. Then my day will start, but I'm not sure what I shall do. Maybe I'll sit on a swing and enjoy the beautiful view, enjoy the ocean's warm water, throw a hard bait out and catch a monster, or do nothing at all. Throughout these past years or so of adulthood, I spent each day worrying about something: homework, or work, for example. But as of yesterday, I stopped for a moment and relished the fact that at that moment, and currently still, I literally have absolutely nothing to do or worry about. I thought those days were long gone; I am mistaken. This is one case where I'm happy to admit I am wrong (those of you who know me well know that's not usually the case). As I sit here, reflecting on life in this beautiful land, I'd like to thank everyone who has had any impact on allowing me to be where I am now. A special thanks to my parents, who never cease to support me as best they can. Colin Hanson, for providing ample advice about Thailand which proved to be invaluable. I extend my thank you to anyone at all who has been excited for me, gave me help and advice, and in general has helped make this happen. You'll find yourself amongst a crowd of great people. Thank you.

And to think, I'm not even in Fiji yet. The real adventure is about to begin!

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