Wednesday, January 9, 2013

So It Begins!

My journey has officially begun!

Today I boarded flight Frontier Flight 1631 at 7:55 am (central time); I sat in seat 19A, a window seat, and anxiously awaited take off.  I took out a pack of gum my mother had given me the night before, I heard that it was a good idea to chew gum during take off and landing, and offered a piece to the girl sitting next to me. She polity refused, paused and then asked "Why? Does my breath smell?"  I chuckled, said no, and then started to explain the whole take off, landing thing.  She understood, and laughed too.  We started talking about where each other was headed.  Turns out she was on her way to see her brother in Los Angeles with her parents.  She asked me where I was headed, so I gave her the whole shpeel: Madison to San Diego, San Diego to Bangkok, Bangkok/Phuket to Nadi.  She was taken aback, and was excited for me.  Then I told her that this was my first plane ride!  Her eyes opened wide, and her mouth dropped.  I started to laugh at how ridiculous it seemed.  She was even more excited to be part of my first airplane ride.  Suddenly, the plane started to back out of the gate, and trot down the runway.  A grand pause for effect (or seem it seemed) was had, then suddenly the engines roared and blasted the giant heap of metal down the runway.  Getting faster and faster and faster.  The seat was moving underneath in every direction, I look at Julia in disbelief.  "Quite something, isn't it." She said.  I shook my head, and looked back out the window, displayed before me was the City of Madison.  I'd never been that high before (in altitude, I wasn't partaking in any recreational drug usage, just to clarify things).  I was in complete shock at what was happening.  The view was spectacular, the ride was bumpy, and speed was outrageous.  I wondered how something like this flew.  I mean, I understand the physics, but damn... damn, it's cool.  The plane then banked to the right, Julia directed my attention to the opposite side of the plane where you could see Madison clearly.  Was that ever something.  Because the day was clear, I was able to see ground the entire time.  Never once, was I not looking out the window; I was glued to it.  Julia commented on how my neck was going to hurt by the time I finished flying today, but I told her that I had booked a seat on the opposite side of the plane for the second part of my journey.

So now here I am, at the Denver International Airport, writing this post.  My second flight was delayed by 30 minutes.  No big deal.  So now I'm set to arrive in San Diego around 2:00 (Pacific Time).  I'm so excited to see what the mountains look like from up high!  I'm simply excited for everything!  I'm quite fortunate to everything work out thus far.

Oh yes, one more thing.  Kyle and Kammi were gracious enough to give me a ride to the airport at 6:15 in the morning.  I'd like to thank them once again for helping me out.  Kyle, those tacos were delicious.  After we loaded the car, and hopped in, Kammi began playing some music.  The first song happened to be one of my recent favorites.  I felt it appropriate for a day like to today, because it starts slow, and then takes off towards the end and gives you the chills.

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